

Tuesday, January 28 at noon on Zoom from the LGBT Center. Registration is required. Do you know about the Home Match program? It is a free, city-sponsored program which connects people seeking housing with older adults who have extra space in their homes. Each match is personalized with the process overseen by program staff—at no cost. Home Match benefits everyone. It decreases isolation, provides housing security, and above all, builds community. The session will discuss: 1) The What & Why Behind Home Sharing, 2) Task Exchange, 3) The Home Match Process, and 4) Getting Assistance with Next Steps.

  • Are you a Home Provider - a homeowner of a single family home, condo, or duplex OR a master/primary tenant of an apartment/rental unit that has one or more extra bedrooms to rent? Would you benefit in using that extra room to help support your daily living costs and possibly have some minor (non-caregiving) assistance?

  • Are you a Home Seeker - a person searching for a housing opportunity in a spare room, in-law unit, or secondary suite? Would you benefit from a roommate and possibly doing some extra tasks (>10hrs per week) for more affordable housing?


Wednesday, January 29 from 6:30-7:30pm on Zoom. Registration is required. We are hosting a virtual “Expanding Housing Choice” zoning change community conversation with SF Planning so that you can learn about the process, various proposals, and how you can give input.  EVNA has not advocated for or against any proposals from SF Planning. We encourage you to submit your questions and comments in advance. We will use the chat during the Zoom to take questions from the audience. Due to time limitations, we will be consolidating and vetting questions, and our guests may not be able to respond to all questions.

Please email if your group wants to collaborate.

We recommend skimming these presentations from SF Planning to prepare yourself:


Thursday, January 30 from 6-8pm at the SF LGBT Center, 1800 Market Street. Bay Area American Indian Two Spirits (BAAITS) was founded in 1999, through prayer and with the intention of providing sober spaces for community, by members of GAI and organizers of the International Two-Spirit Gathering held in the San Francisco Bay Area that year. Since then, BAAITS’s mission has been to restore and recover the role of Two-Spirit people within the American Indian/First Nations community by creating a forum for the spiritual, cultural and artistic expression of Two-Spirit people and offering culturally relevant activities for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Native Americans, their families and friends. Join us as we celebrate this amazing legacy! RSVP on Facebook.


Friday, February 7 from 5-8pm. Castro Art Walk is every first Friday of the month. Experience the collaboration between local artists and small businesses as they extend their hours and open their doors to showcase exceptional artwork. Route and more information will be updated closer to the date.


Saturday, February 8 from 10am-noon. Our neighborhood clean-up days are every second Saturday of the month. This month talk with board members at our table at Jane Warner Plaza starting at 10am. We’ll provide gloves, tongs, a trash bag, and safety vests. Bring your friends! If it is raining, we’ll see you at the next one on Saturday, March 8.


Friday, March 7 from 5-8pm. Castro Art Walk is every first Friday of the month. Experience the collaboration between local artists and small businesses as they extend their hours and open their doors to showcase exceptional artwork. Route and more information will be updated closer to the date.


Saturday, March 8 from 10am-noon. Our neighborhood clean-up days are every second Saturday of the month. This month talk with board members at our table at Jane Warner Plaza starting at 10am. We’ll provide gloves, tongs, a trash bag, and safety vests. Bring your friends! If it is raining, we’ll see you at the next one on Saturday, April 12.


Friday, March 21 from 5-10pm on 18 Street between Hartford and Collingwood Streets. The event will feature local food vendors, merchants, and live entertainment with a holiday market theme. Seasonal & glow-attire encouraged! Instagram.


Do you have a local gardening group you’d like us to feature in 2025? Let us know!

Sign up with the Kite Hillbillies for community planting & weeding events at Kite Hill.

Work parties occur throughout Supervisorial District 8 on a regular basis. Meet your neighbors and make new friends. Volunteer tasks include planting, weeding and horticultural maintenance of ornamental planting beds. All supplies, tools and gloves are provided by San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department. Please wear closed-toed shoes, long pants and layers. Events usually will occur rain or shine. Select “District 8” to view all events and to RSVP online.