Projects you can support

Join us for community service in our neighborhood!

The EVNA loves to tackle projects, big and small, to improve our neighborhood. The best way to get involved is to attend one of our events. Here are a few we’d priority areas as examples:

  • CLEANUPS - Monthly neighborhood clean-up days every second Saturday of the month. Meet us at Jane Warner Plaza at 10am.

  • MURALS - We support the restoration and creation of a number of murals in our neighborhood. For more information, sign up for our newsletter. Stop by “The Chant of the Earth, the Voice of the Land” by Betsy Miller-Kusz on Market at 19th Streets. Ask us about the proposed mural at 20th and Noe Streets and the proposed Progress Pride Flag mural on Jane Warner Plaza at Market and Castro Streets.

  • DOG PARK - We helped found the Eureka Valley Dog Owners Group to renovate the Eureka Valley Dog Play Area (Collingwood Dog Park). Several years of community discussions have reached consensus on the rough plan. The City is coming up with significant funding, and the group will begin individual fundraising soon.

  • PEDESTRIAN SAFETY - We are regularly hosting events virtually and in person about the SF Biking and Rolling Plan, Vision Zero, Slow Sanchez and other slow streets, WalkSF, and other local areas of concern.

  • PIT STOPS - We are passionate about 24-hour access to toilets, a place to dispose of dog waste, and safe needle disposal. We support Pit Stops city-wide and advocate for our local one at the corner of Market and Castro Streets.

  • LOCAL SCHOOLS - We are looking for staff, parents, graduates and other supporters of Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy, Sanchez Elementary School, Everett Middle School, and Mission High School to help us collaborate more. Volunteer with us!

  • COMMUNITY EVENTS - We participate in and promote many local community events and promote the events of local nonprofits we love. Check out our events page.

Please email us at if you have a new idea you’d like to see become a reality!